Derby Grammar School

ISI Reports

ISI report for Derby Grammar School September 2022

We are pleased to be able to share with you the ISI inspection report from September 2022. Below is a summary of the main points of the inspection with a link to the full report at the bottom of the page.

We were inspected over the course of a week by a team of inspectors with all aspects of the school being inspected. This combines a Focused Compliance Inspection, as well as an inspection of Educational Quality, comprising reviews Pupil Personal Development and Academic Achievement.

Highlights of the EQI:

Whole School – Primary and Senior:

Pupils’ academic and other achievement is Good.

The quality of pupils’ personal development in Good.

Pupils’ attitudes towards learning are strong and often excellent.

Pupils of all abilities show great perseverance and desire to succeed.

Pupils of all ages possess highly developed communication skills, express their thoughts with clarity and listen to others with attentiveness.

Pupils of all abilities display accomplished numeracy skills.

Pupils grasp opportunities to demonstrate initiative and develop new skills.

The leadership of the school empowers staff to develop opportunities for extra-curricular enrichment that energise and stimulate pupils of all ages.

Pupils of all ages demonstrate high levels of social awareness.

The school fulfils its aim of providing education which enables pupils to flourish individually.

Pupils of all ages possess high levels of self-esteem and are happy in themselves.


Primary Pupils:

Demonstrate strong levels of knowledge, skills and understanding in most areas, with some elements of excellence shown by individual pupils.

Display excellent numeracy skills.

Exhibit high levels of self-knowledge.

Children in EYFS make rapid progress, and data show that on completion of the EYFS profile in 2022, all children reached a Good Level of Development.

Many pupils in the Primary school, including children in EYFS, demonstrate excellent thinking skills.


Senior and 6th Form Pupils:

Make rapid progress in most subjects and attainment and GCSE and A Level is strong.

Written work in English in the senior school is of a high standard, supported by what is often excellent, constructive and helpful feedback.

Are extremely proud of the positivity and spirituality that runs throughout the school.

The School’s GCSE and A Level results in the years 2020 to 2022 confirm that teaching enables pupils to make good progress.

The teaching enables good progress, encompasses effective behaviour management and is supported by suitable resources.

The most able senior school pupils apply their higher-level mathematical understanding with aplomb across a range of subjects.


With any inspection, there are areas that have been highlighted for development, and in some cases action points for us to address. The recommendations are in areas where we have already begun work, namely ICT, stretching the most able and pupil voice. The Bridging Curriculum helping prepare pupils for the next stage of education or work, Omnium Group of Scholars and others who will benefit from academic challenge, and enhanced School Council show our commitment to continual improvement. They will also ensure pupils are well prepared for the next steps of their educational or employment journeys.

In terms of the action points, we have already addressed the single area identified with an in-depth action plan that has reviewed and refreshed our staff recruitment process. 


Read the report

Here is a link to the full report: September 2022 ISI Report


A final comment would be that the report does capture the unique spirit of DGS; the sense of community, the individualised pastoral support for each pupil, the nurturing of a culture of academic endeavour. We will continue to strive for excellence, and to implement the many initiatives which will ensure that the school goes from strength to strength.

Thank you to all in the DGS community for your continued support.


ISI material change report for Derby Grammar School June 2023

We are pleased to be able to share with you the ISI material change inspection report from June 2023. 

Read the report

Here is a link to the report: June 2023 ISI Report

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